N e w s l e t t e r

Volume V, Issue 2, September 1997



        by Arman Danesh - IT Daily - 05/21/97

HONG KONG -- At Comdex France in February this year, Andre Thi Truong, the 61-year-old creator of the first microcomputer, moved among the crowd in near anonymity. Perhaps it is the American-centrism of the personal computing industry, but Truong's pioneering achievement - his company, R2E, created the first microcomputer in 1973, according to the Boston Computer Museum, years before the Altair 9000 - is generally unknown or ignored.

Later, Truong's company ended up becoming a manufacturer of IBM-compatible PCs once the PC revolution started. After selling his company in 1989, Truong served as a technical consultant to various governments and companies around the world.

But Truong's restless nature eventually led him, more than two decades later after inventing the first PC, back to the cutting edge of personal computing. He is the president of Advanced PC Technologies (APCT), which launched the first working Network PC - a Wintel-based Network Computer - at Comdex Las Vegas last November.

Computers are not the only interesting story in Truong's life. Born in Vietnam when it was still a French colony, Truong came from an elite family. He studied electrical engineering in France in the 1950s and, as a result of the Vietnamese revolt against French rule, has lived in Paris ever since.

Truong is jovial, vibrant, full of life and unassuming. And he is not short of opinions about the history, present and future of the computer industry.

TRUONG: The R2E was created in 1971 using the first Intel (microprocessor). We made a microcomputer - a term first used by ComputerWorld in 1973. The product was the Micral, which is now in the Computer Museum in Boston. We had big success in France, and merged with Bull (another PC maker) in 1978. We started a US subsidiary in Minnesota that year, but it was very difficult to market after IBM came out with the PC in 1981. In the end, we made the decision in France to make IBM-compatible computers, but Bull didn't want to do this. I left the company at the end of 1982 and started another company called Normarel. In 1984, we came out with the first European PC compatible computer. It was a big success. In 1989, we sold the company to the employees because the president didn't want to continue.

NEWSBYTES: Why should people want or need an NPC?

TRUONG: First, most PCs are getting more and more fat - I am talking about the big software applications. Second, the cost of administration is running very high. So when Larry Ellison came out with the NC concept two years ago, I thought it was very good.

NEWSBYTES: Why haven't you gone the route of the NC (which uses the Java language and generally runs on non-Intel chips)?

TRUONG: We need NCs, but the NC that the group of five (NC consortium, including Oracle, IBM, Sun and others) has done will never succeed for several reasons. First, there are several NCs. You have the Oracle NC, the Sun NC and so on. All of them have different CPUs, different OSes. They will never be uniform. Unlike Network Computers proposed by Oracle, Sun and IBM, the Network PC is meant to both operate stand-alone and through the Internet or intranet. In the "L-shaped" console is a CD-ROM drive which can boot the NPC from a special Windows NT CD. The same CD also holds several applications. The upright part of the "L" holds a custom motherboard with a 100 MHz Pentium CPU and built-in audio.

Basic configuration also includes 16 MB of RAM, EEPROM for configuration storage, a smart card reader, and optional flash ROM for local storage of user data. Because the NPC does not need a hard drive, it can be manufactured for about US$200. Like Oracle, APCT does not want to manufacture most of the Net PCs, but is instead licensing the technology to other hardware companies. Retail price should be under $500.

NEWSBYTES: What about the argument that we are moving to platform-independent software with Java and so on, and it doesn't matter on what the software or hardware rests?

TRUONG: That is a very good idea. But do you know on which machine Java runs best? Wintel. We need only one platform: Intel and Microsoft. Java is an excellent idea, but when Java was written a few years ago, it was for very small applets. They are now trying to use Java for very serious applications. You cannot load an applet of 1 MB with Java. When you are working on a client/server application, you want an immediate answer - you cannot do that in Java.

The second reason is that I don't think we need multiple platforms. Today, there are only two hardware platforms - Pentium, PowerPC, and maybe Alpha. PowerPC and Alpha are dead. As for OSes, you have Windows, OS/2 and Unix. OS/2 is dead. Maybe you can have Unix on the server, but not on the client. The second mistake they (the group of five NC vendors) made is that you cannot in 1995 start to develop a new OS. It is impossible. People are talking about the NC's low price. Our Net PC is the same price. We have a CPU, we have memory, and we have added the CD-ROM. On the CD, you have the NT operating system and also all the applications protected with a smart card.

NEWSBYTES: So you feel Windows NT is destined to be the desktop OS?

TRUONG: Definitely, because Windows 95 is not good for professional applications. It is insecure. This is very important. I definitely think NT and Windows will merge somewhere in 1998. If you remember, Windows NT 3.1 needed 32 MB, but today NT 4.0 only needs 16 MB.

With the NPC, we are targeting the intranet business and what we call the professional Internet. Next year, we will come out with an NPC (aimed at home users) with MMX. We are also working on some very special display technology, and we are working with all the components of DirectX.

NEWSBYTES: Do people find the CD-ROM drive fast enough? TRUONG: We are not trying to compete with the PC. We are only developing this for one year. We expect most of our NPCs, after this year, to run on digital video discs (DVDs).

NEWSBYTES: What about non-English versions of Windows NT?

TRUONG: Today, we are working with English-only, but we will have all the languages that NT comes with. We are following Microsoft, because for 20 years everybody who has tried to kill Microsoft is dead. You have seen how Microsoft has changed direction with the Internet. It's fabulous.

Truong feels that home computing is moving towards networked computing - not on-line computing but networks within the home. He also predicts that slimware will emerge in the face of today's so-called bloatware.

NEWSBYTES: So what will be mainstream in the next five or 10 years?

TRUONG: I think that Moore's law (which predicts that the average of a CPU's power will double and its cost halve, every 18 months) will hold for the next 10 years. But if you keep increasing the power of the CPU and it has MMX, you don't need DSP (digital signal processing) any more. You just need a good CPU, memory and software. That's it. The business of the next 10 years is 100 percent software. There will also be a tendency to go with what people call slimware (software which takes up less memory and space). It will have to come. They will definitely have to reduce.

NEWSBYTES: But if the PCs are more powerful and the disks cheaper and the memory cheaper, why should the software vendors move towards slimware?

TRUONG: Because we need power for the CPU, not for the software. For telephony and for videoconferencing, you need the power and the memory to store information. We will have PC servers in the home. It's coming soon, because a family will have several PCs, so they will have a server. We have to have something very easy to administer. Microsoft will come out with something very easy before the end of the century, I'm sure.

Concurrent with developing the NPC - which Truong hints is already set to be licensed to several companies - APCT is developing a new video technology called Enhanced Image Multiprocessor Technology. At Comdex Las Vegas last November, Truong wowed on-lookers with holographic-like video displayed three-and-a-half feet in front of a large screen TV. As Truong puts it: "We are working to break the limits of VGA with multiprocessors and two banks of memory for display - we work on one and display on the other."

Truong says his prototype can "display stereo video at any speed," but will not be available for broad distribution for 18 months./.

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Ba`i vie^'t cu?a DDo^~ Tho^ng Minh

[vacets-dict] - Mesg from [email protected] (Do Thong Minh) - Fri, 28 Feb 1997

Vo+'i 11 ba(`ng pha't minh chi'nh thu+'c mang te^n cu. va` khoa?ng 200 pha't minh ba'n tha(?ng cho ca'c co^ng ty, ngoa`i ra co`n khoa?ng 10 pha't minh chu+a co^ng bo^'. Cu. la` mo^.t trong 200 khoa ho.c gia no^?i tie^'ng cu?a Nha^.t Ba?n.

- Te^n tha^.t la` Le^ Va(n Qu'y, te^n Nha^.t vie^'t la` "Le^~ Ba.n Qu'y" dde^? co' a^m ddo.c tu+o+ng tu+. la` "Re Ban Qui". Sinh nga`y 24 tha'ng 3 na(m 1918 o+? Ha` No^.i. - La^.p gia ddi`nh vo+'i ngu+o+`i Nha^.t te^n Le^ Va(n Toshiko (Lo+.i Tu+?), co' hai con sinh ddo^i, mo^.t trai, mo^.t ga'i. Ban dda^`u vo+. cu?a cu. ddo^?i qua quo^'c ti.ch Vie^.t, con cu?a cu. cu~ng mang quo^'c ti.ch Vie^.t. Sau vi` bi. i't nhie^`u ky` thi., ca? nha` pha?i ddo^?i qua quo^'c ti.ch Nha^.t.

- 1940 ho.c DDa.i Ho.c Khoa Ho.c Ha` No^.i 1 na(m.

- 1941 ho.c Y Khoa Ha` No^.i 3 na(m.

- 1943 du ho.c Nha^.t Ba?n, trong chu+o+ng tri`nh trao ddo^?i sinh vie^n giu+~a hai nu+o+'c. DDo+.t na`y co' 10 ngu+o+`i, 5 nam (4 ngu+o+`i kia la` ca'c cu. DDa(.ng Va(n Ngu+~, Ha` Thu+', Nguye^~n Tha`nh Nguye^n, Hoa`ng DDi`nh Lu+o+.ng), 2 nu+~ (ho.c ve^` ca('m hoa) va` 3 ngu+o+`i Pha'p. Cu. di ba(`ng ta^`u to+'i ca?ng Nagasaki ro+`i ddi xe ddie^.n le^n DDo^ng Kinh. Ho.c mo^.t na(m Nha^.t Ngu+~ ta.i tru+o+`ng Kokusai Gakkyukai (Quo^'c Te^' Ho.c Hu+~u Ho^.i) o+? DDo^ng Kinh. Tho+`i ddo', cu. nha^.n ddu+o+.c ho.c bo^?ng cu?a ca? hai chi''nh phu? Vie^.t Nam thuo^.c Pha'p va` chi'nh phu? Nha^.t Ba?n. Lu'c ddo' ddang The^' Chie^'n Thu+' 2, ne^n "kho' kha(n" cho cu. la` kho^ng bie^'t ca'ch na`o dde^? tie^u cho he^'t tie^`n.

- 1994 ho.c ky~ su+ die^.n tu+? o+? Tokodai (DDo^ng Kinh Co^ng Nghie^.p DDa.i Ho.c). Trong lu'c ha^`u he^'t thanh nie^n Nha^.t bi. ddo^.ng vie^n, chung quanh cu~ng cha(?ng co' gi` dde^? gia?i tri' ne^n o+? tru+o+`ng cu. tha ho^` ho.c ho?i va` la`m vie^.c vo+'i tha^`y. DDo' la` co+ may cho mo^.t ngu+o+`i vo^'n thi'ch toa'n va` khoa ho.c nhu+ cu.. Chi'nh trong tho+`i gian na`y cu. na('m vu+~ng ddu+o+.c nhie^`u kie^'n thu+'c giu'p cu. sau na`y pha't minh nhie^`u u+'ng du.ng ve^` ddie^.n va` ddie^.n tu+?.

Sau The^' Chie^'n Thu+' 2, cu. o+? la.i Nha^.t, la`m chuye^n vie^n chi? dda.o ky~ thua^.t, ddi tham quan ra^'t nhie^`u co^ng xu+o+?ng, go'p nhie^`u y' ca?i thie^.n ky~ thua^.t... Cu. cu`ng mo^.t ngu+o+`i ba.n Nha^.t la^.p co^ng ty ma^.u di.ch va` co^' va^'n cu~ng nhu+ "Nga^n Ha`ng Y' Kie^'n" o+? DDo^ng Kinh nha(`m thu tha^.p y' kie^'n dde^? chuye^?n tha`nh thu+.c du.ng. Tho+`i gian na`y, cu. ddu+a ra nhie^`u pha't minh va` tro+? tha`nh ngu+o+`i Vie^.t Nam dda^`u tie^n la^'y ba(`ng pha't minh cu?a Nha^.t Ba?n. So+? di~ cu. chi? dda(ng ky' 11 ba(`ng pha't minh co`n ha^`u he^'t pha't minh ba'n tha(?ng cho ca'c co^ng ty vi` vie^.c dda(ng ky' kho' kha(n, nha^'t la` vo+'i mo^.t ngu+o+`i ngoa.i quo^'c. Thu+' nu+~a muo^'n dda(ng ky' pha't minh thi` pha?i hoa`nh tha`nh sa?n pha^?m, to^'n ra^'t nhie^`u tho+`i gian va` ta`i chi'nh, sau ddo' la.i pha?i cho+` ddo+.i cu+'u xe't the^m va`i na(m nu+~a. Theo cu., tu+` nghie^n cu+'u dde^'n thi. tru+o+`ng la` ca? mo^.t bu+o+'c kha' da`i. Vie^.c na`y ca'c dda.i co^ng ty co' nhie^`u u+u the^', ba'n pha't minh tru+o+'c khi dda(ng ky' va` co^' va^'n cho ho. ro^`i ho. dda(ng ky' te^n co^ng ty cu?a ho. thi` tie^.n cho ngu+o+`i pha't minh ho+n. Cu. vo^'n co' qua' nhie^'u pha't minh ne^n ne^'u theo dduo^?i mo^.t pha't minh cho dde^'n khi la^'y ddu+o+.c ba(`ng thi` kho^ng co`n thi` gio+` ddu+a ra nhu+~ng pha't minh mo+'i nu+~a. DDo' la` ly' do cu. i't ddu+'ng te^n mi`nh trong ca'c ba(`ng pha't minh. The^m ddie^?m nu+~a la` ca'c y' kie^'n va` pha't minh cu?a cu. pha^`n lo+'n ba'n cho ca'c co^ng ty Hoa Ky`, ro^`i sau ddo' Hoa Ky` mo+'i ba'n ngu+o+.c tro+? la.i Nha^.t. Ly' do vi` ca'c co^ng ty Hoa Ky` co+?i mo+? ho+n trong vie^.c mua ne^n cu~ng ho+i tie^'c cho quan nie^.m khe'p ki'n cu?a Nha^.t Ba?n.

Pha't minh da^`u tie^n cu?a cu. na(m 1963 la` bo'ng dde`n dde`n huy`nh quang (Flourescent Lamp) tie^'ng Nha^.t la` "huy`nh quang pho'ng ddie^.n dda(ng". DDe`n Flourescent Lamp 1 loa.i tro`n (buld), khi ddo' chi? co' loa.i dde`n o^'ng da`i (tube) va` o^'ng tro`n (circle line). Tu+` pha't minh ban dda^`u, co`n pha?i qua nhie^`u gia ddoa.n ca?i tie^'n dde^? co' the^? sa?n xua^'t ha`ng loa.t vo+'i gia' re?. DDe`n Flourescent Lamp 2 la` dde`n da`i, song no' la` dde`n bo'p be.p hay pha(?ng (flat) chu+' kho^ng pha?i dde`n o^'ng tro`n. Tu+` ddo' pha't minh the^m ca''c dde`n o^'ng nho? va` dde`n tro`n co' su+'c sa'ng nhu+ dde`n o^'ng de.p. Nho+` pha't minh na`y cu?a cu. ma` dde`n xe ho+i va ga('n ma'y nga`y nay sa'ng ru+.c. Nho+' la.i cuo^'i tha^.p nie^n 60, xe ga('n ma'y Nha^.t ba('t dda^`u qua Vie^.t Nam, dde`n sa'ng ru+.c so vo+'i dde`n ca'c xe A^u Cha^u lu` mu`. Cu. cu~ng pha't minh ra bo^. pha^.n ca?m nha^.n (sensor) cho cu+?a mo+? tu+. ddo^.ng hay vo`i nu+o+'c tu+. ddo^.ng kha' pho^? bie^'n trong nhu+~ng kie^'n tru'c ta^n tie^'n. To+` ta.p chi' Chuo Koron no^?i tie^'ng cu?a Nha^.t Ba?n so^' nga`y 17/5/1959 (38 na(m tru+o+'c) dda~ dda(ng y' kie^'n cu?a cu. ve^` vie^.c du`ng tinh the^? lo?ng (liquit crystal) la`m ma`n a?nh de.p cho TV thay vi` du`ng o^'ng tia a^m cu+.c (cathode ray tube = CRT) co^`ng ke^`nh. Nhu+ng tho+`i a^'y co`n qua' mo+'i me?, cu. kho^ng ti`m ddu+o+.c co^ng ty ho^~ tro+. thu+.c hie^.n. Ma^'y na(m sau ddo', Hoa Ky` che^' ra cha^'t tha.ch anh lo?ng, mau cho'ng pho^? bie^'n kha('p the^' gio+'i. Khoa?ng dda^`u tha^.p nie^n 80 TV nho? loa.i na`y ba('t da^`u tung ra thi. tru+o+`ng va` giu+~a tha^.p nie^n 90 co' TV co+~ lo+'n nhu+ng chi? mo?ng nhu+ bu+'c tranh treo tu+o+`ng. Cu. ta^m su+., to^i vo^'n do^'t chuye^.n va(n chu+o+ng chu+~ nghi~a, dda^`u o'c chi? chu' tro.ng dde'n toa'n va` khoa ho.c. Khi ddi ho.c o+? Vie^.t Nam, toa`n la^'y ddie?m toa'n bu` cho ddie^?m va(n chu+o+ng. Co' khi ho.c mo^.t ba`i tho+ ma` ca? nga`y kho^ng thuo^.c, nhu+ng ca? mo^.t cuo^'n ba`i ta^.p toa'n co' the^? gia?i trong va`i nga`y.

Ca'c pha't minh quan tro.ng cu?a cu.:

1- DDe`n huy`nh quang (Fluorescent Lamp). Loa.i dde`n sa'ng du`ng ra^'t pho^? tho^ng trong nha` hay va(n pho`ng...

2- Ca'nh cu+?a tu+. ddo^.ng (Automatic door). Du`ng nguye^n ly' so'ng nga('n (short wave) thay vi` dde`n quang ddie^.n nhu+ cu?a Hoa Ky`, gia' ba'n cuo^'i tha^.p nie^n 1950 la` 5.000 Yen thay vi` 8-100.000 Yen cu?a Hoa Ky`.

3- Vo`i nu+o+'c tu+. ddo^.ng (Xu+? ly' nu+o+'c tu+. ddo^.ng = Automatic water processor). Khi ru+?a tay, chi? vie^.c ddu+a tay va`o, bo^. ca?m nha^.n (sensor) se~ chi? thi. cho nu+o+'c se~ cha?y ra, khi ru+?a xong, ru't tay ra, nu+o+'c tu+. ddo^.ng ngu+ng cha?y.

4- "Kha(n lau ho+i" (Air towel). Sau khi ru+?a tay, chi? vie^.c ddu+a tay va`o la` ma'y tu+. ddo^.ng ba^.t va` tho^?i ho+i no'ng la`m cho tay kho^, khi ru't tay ra ma'y tu+. ddo^.ng ta('t.

5- Ma'y dde^'m nhi.p ddie^.n tu+? (Electroic Metronome). Tru+o+'c ddo' ma'y dde^'m nhi.p cho dda`n chi? du`ng a^m thanh, do ddo' khi dda'nh dda`n kho' nghe ddu+o+.c tie^'ng go~ nhi.p. Cu. che^' the^m dde`n ba'o nhi.p tie^.n du.ng ho+n vi` kho^ng lo tie^'ng dda`n a't ddi.

6- Bo^. Trie^.t A^m Thanh Tu+. DDo^.ng (Automatic Audio Suppresser). La` bo^. pha^.n tu+. ddo^.ng ddie^`u tie^'t tra'nh nhie^~u a^m thanh trong ma'y truye^`n thanh hay truye^`n hi`nh, giu'p cho a^m thanh kho^ng qua' cao hay qua' tha^'p vi` nhu+ng ly' do tho+`i tie^'t... cu~ng nhu+ nga(n hie^.n tu+o+.ng ho^`i tie^'p (feed back).

7- Ma'y ta('t ba^.t pha-co^'t tu+. ddo^.ng (Automatic Far-Code). Ban dde^m, khi hai xe mo+? dde`n pha ddi ngu+o+.c chie^`u nhau, dde^? tra'nh bi. cho'i ma('t, dde`n se~ tu+. ddo^.ng chuye^?n sang co^'t va` khi qua ma(.t nhau ro^`i thi` la.i tu+. ddo^.ng chuye^?n ve^` pha.

8- Ma'y Nghe Nha.c Ba(`ng Quang (Light Pick-Up). Du`ng dda^`u ddo.c ddi~a ba(`ng quang thay vi` kim, kho^ng la`m hu+ ddi~a va` a^m thanh cu~ng nhu+ hi`nh a?nh to^' ho+n, ddo' chi'nh la` ca'c loa.i ma'y quay CD nga`y nay.

9- DDie^.n Thoa.i Kho^ng Da^y (Codeless Telephone). DDo' chi'nh la` ca'c loa.i ddie^.n tho.ai ca^`m tay/bo^. dda`m ma` chu'ng ta ddang du`ng hie^.n nay.

10- Bo^. Khue^'ch DDa.i Du`ng DDe`n Tinh The^? Co^ng Sua^'t Cao Hifi (Hifi High Power Transistor Amplifier). Mo^.t bo^. pha^.n chi? nho? ga^`n ba(`ng bao die^m, nhu+ng cho ra a^m thanh lo+'n va` hay ho+n. Cu. dda~ ba'n pha't minh na`y cho co^ng ty mo^.t co^ng ty ve^` ma'y a^m thanh no^?i tie^'ng cu?a Nha^.t (va` vi` ba'n ro^`i ne^n kho^ng the^? ghi ra dda^y ma` pha?i coi nhu+ cu?a co^ng ty ma` tho^i).

11- Lu+o+~i ga` trong ma'y hi`nh. Bo^. pha^.n giu+~ cho phim kho^ng bi. tu.t ra khi la('p phim.

12- Ta^'m Lo't Sa`n Ba(`ng Tu+` (Magnetic Linoleum). Mo^.t loa.i cao su du`ng la't nha` ma` kho^ng ca^`n keo da'n.

13- Ma'y so+n ti~nh ddie^.n. Khi so+n xe ho+i... nho+` ti~nh ddie^.n, so+n kho^ng bay ra ngoa`i.

14- Pha't minh cho xe ho+i ddie^.n. Nhie^`u u+'ng du.ng cho xe ho+i ddie^.n la` loa.i xe the^' he^. mo+'i cu?a nha^n loa.i trong the^' ky? 21.

15- Phu+o+ng pha'p thu ho^`i da^`u tho^. Thu ho^`i da^`u tho^ bi. thoa't ra bie^?n mo^.t ca'ch nhanh cho'ng, tie^.n lo+.i va` i't to^'n ke'm (chu+a co^ng bo^' chi tie^'t).

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1. Log on, wait a sec, then get a frightened look on your face and scream "Oh my God! They've found me!" and bolt.

2. Laugh uncontrollably for about 3 minutes & then suddenly stop and look suspiciously at everyone who looks at you.

3. When your computer is turned off, complain to the monitor on duty that you can't get the damn thing to work. After he/she's turned it on, wait 5 minutes,turn it off again, & repeat the process for a good half hour.

4. Type frantically, often stopping to look at the person next to you evily.

5. Before anyone else is in the lab, connect each computer to a different screen than the one it's set up with.

6. Write a program that plays the "Smurfs" theme song and play it at the highest volume possible over & over again.

7. Work normally for a while. Suddenly look amazingly startled by something on the screen and crawl underneath the desk.

8. Ask the person next to you if they know how to tap into top-secret Pentagon files.

9. Use Interactive Send to make passes at people you don't know.

10. Make a small ritual sacrifice to the computer before you turn it on.

11. Bring a chainsaw, but don't use it. If anyone asks why you have it, say "Just in case..." mysteriously.

12. Type on VAX for a while. Suddenly start cursing for 3 minutes at everything bad about your life. Then stop and continue typing.

13. Enter the lab, undress, and start staring at other people as if they're crazy while typing.

14. Light candles in a pentagram around your terminal before starting.

15. Ask around for a spare disk. Offer $2. Keep asking until someone agrees. Then, pull a disk out of your fly and say, "Oops, I forgot."

16. Every time you press Return and there is processing time required, pray "Ohpleaseohpleaseohpleaseohplease," and scream "YES!" when it finishes.

17. "DISK FIGHT!!!"

18. Start making out with the person at the terminal next to you (It helps if you know them, but this is also a great way to make new friends).

19. Put a straw in your mouth and put your hands in your pockets. Type by hitting the keys with the straw.

20. If you're sitting in a swivel chair, spin around singing "The Lion Sleeps Tonight" whenever there is processing time required.

21. Draw a pictue of a woman (or man) on a piece of paper, tape it to your monitor. Try to seduce it. Act like it hates you and then complain loudly that women (men) are worthless.

22. Try to stick a Ninetendo cartridge into the 3 1/2 disk drive. When it doesn't work, get the supervisor.

23. When you are on an IBM, and when you turn it on, ask loudly where the smiling Apple face is.

24. Print out the complete works of Shakespeare, then when its all done (two days later) say that all you wanted was one line.

25. Sit and stare at the screen, biting your nails noisily. After doing this for a while, spit them out at the feet of the person next to you.

26. Stare at the screen, grind your teeth, stop, look at the person next to you, grinding. Repeat procedure, making sure you never provoke the person enough to let them blow up, as this releases tension, and it is far more effective to let them linger.

27. If you have long hair, take a typing break, look for split ends, cut them and deposit them on your neighbor's keyboard as you leave.

28. Put a large, gold-framed portrait of the British Royal Family on your desk and loudly proclaim that it inspires you.

29. Come to the lab wearing several layers of socks. Remove shoes and place them of top of the monitor. Remove socks layer by layer and drape them around the monitor. Exclaim sudden haiku about the aesthetic beauty of cotton on plastic.

30. Take the keyboard and sit under the computer. Type up your paper like this. Then go to the lab supervisor and complain about the bad working conditions.

31. Laugh hysterically, shout "You will all perish in flames!!!" and continue working.

32. Bring some dry ice & make it look like your computer is smoking.

33. Assign a musical note to every key (ie. the Delete key is A Flat, the B key is F sharp, etc.). Whenever you hit a key, hum its note loudly. Write an entire paper this way.

34. Attempt to eat your computer's mouse.

35. Borrow someone else's keyboard by reaching over, saying "Excuse me, mind if I borrow this for a sec?", unplugging the keyboard & taking it.

36. Bring in a bunch of magnets and have fun.

37. When doing calculations, pull out an abacus and say that sometimes the old ways are best.

38. Play Pong for hours on the most powerful computer in the lab.

39. Make a loud noise of hitting the same key over and over again until you see that your neighbor is noticing (You can hit the space bar so your fill isn't affected). Then look at your neighbor's keyboard. Hit his/her delete key several times, erasing an entire word. While you do this, ask: "Does *your* delete key work?" Shake your head, and resume hitting the space bar on your keyboard. Keep doing this until you've deleted about a page of your neighbor's document. Then, suddenly exclaim: "Well, whaddya know? I've been hitting the space bar this whole time. No wonder it wasn't deleting! Ha!" Print out your document and leave.

40. Remove your disk from the drive and hide it. Go to the lab monitor and complain that your computer ate your disk. (For special effects, put some Elmer's Glue on or around the disk drive. Claim that the computer is drooling.)

41. Stare at the person's next to your's screen, look really puzzled, burst out laughing, and say "You did that?" loudly. Keep laughing, grab your stuff and leave, howling as you go.

42. Point at the screen. Chant in a made up language while making elaborate hand gestures for a minute or two. Press return or the mouse, then leap back and yell "COVEEEEERRRRRR!" peek up from under the table, walk back to the computer and say. "Oh, good. It worked this time," and calmly start to type again.

43. Keep looking at invisible bugs and trying to swat them.

44. See who's online. Send a total stranger a talk request. Talk to them like you've known them all your lives. Hangup before they get a chance to figure out you're a total stranger.

45. Bring an small tape player with a tape of really absurd sound effects. Pretend it's the computer and look really lost.

46. Pull out a pencil. Start writing on the screen. Complain that the lead doesn't work.

47. Come into the computer lab wearing several endangered species of flowers in your hair. Smile incessantly. Type a sentence, then laugh happily, exclaim "You're such a marvel!!", and kiss the screen. Repeat this after every sentence. As your ecstasy mounts, also hug the keyboard. Finally, hug your neighbor, then the computer assistant, and walk out.

48. Run into the computer lab, shout "Armageddon is here!!!!!", then calmly sit down and begin to type.

49. Quietly walk into the computer lab with a Black and Decker chainsaw, rev that baby up, and then walk up to the nearest person and say, "Give me that computer or you'll be feeding my pet crocodile for the next week".

50. Two words: Tesla Coil.

[From: Pro-Entropy - [email protected] ("Real" Name: Eric A. Seiden) - This posting was contributed by David Nguyen (Cisco) -]

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By Thao Mong Le

[vacets-tech] - Mesg from Thao Le<[email protected]>

Everyday you turn on your PC with Windows 95 up and running, especially when you just spent large money to buy a good PC, sometimes you wonder how do you know that it's operating at its best? Many questions came up to your mind:


Why isn't the CPU type right? Why isn't the clock rate right? Why does Dhrystone MIPS vary so much? If the CPU load is really 100%, wouldn't the system be locked up? How can a program cause a high CPU load when its just sitting on the task bar?


Why does the cached speed vary between tests? Why does the uncached speed vary between tests? Why is cached speed slower than uncached speed? How can disk free space be more than total space?


Why isn't all my RAM showing up? Why is Windows RAM less than Installed RAM? Why do I have so little Free RAM? Why are some Pentiums slower than a 486 in the RAM Write test?

And many more ...

There are a number of software tools that can allow you to test your PCs performance, however the question is do you want to spend money to buy one of these tools? How about it is FREE!

Yes, I found it is Wintune 95, which is available for free download from CompuServe (GO: WINMAG) and America Online (Keyword: WinMag). You can also find it (Wt95v10.zip) at:


Wintune 95, which requires Windows 95, Windows NT version 3.51 or later, can examine your PC's performance by testing the CPU, video, disk and memory components. It analyzes the results and lets you know how to get the best out of your system. It can also detect common Windows 95 configuration problems and give you specific instructions for fixing them. However, this current version of Wintune 95 only works for a PC which hard drive has less than 2GB free space. It needs about 5MB of free disk space during installation, but afterwards takes up only about 2MB.

This free software also has a good tutorial that can answer most general questions about the PC, such as Why does my notebook PC show an ISA bus type?, Why does my BIOS info have strange characters in it?, Why is my BIOS info wrong?, and Why don't I see the "other programs" running?

Enjoy testing to see your PCs performance .

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Ba`i Vie^'t Cu?a Nguye^~n Va(n Tua^'n <[email protected]>

Tu+` nga`y co`n ngo^`i ghe^' nha` tru+o+`ng trung ho.c be^n Vie^.t Nam, to^i dda~ bi. me^ hoa(.c bo+?i tho+ cu?a Nguye^~n Bi'nh. To^i nghi~, ha^`u nhu+ trong chu'ng ta, nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i lo+'n le^n o+? Vie^.t Nam, ai cu~ng dde^`u co' nghe qua hay bie^'t i't nhie^`u ve^` nha` tho+ ta`i hoa nhu+ng va('ng so^' na`y. DDie^`u ddo' cu~ng de^? hie^?u, vi` tho+ cu?a Nguye^~n Bi'nh hi`nh nhu+ dda~ dda.t ddu+o+.c tri`nh ddo^. de^~ nho+' va` dda.i chu'ng.

Co' le~ trong chu'ng ta, ai cu~ng mo^.t la^`n nghe qua mo^.t va`i ca^u tho+ trang nha~, ti`nh tu+' va` sa^u trong ba`i Ngu+o+`i Ha`ng Xo'm:

      Nha` na`ng o+? ca.nh nha` to^i

      Ca'ch nhau ca'i da^.u mo^`ng to+i xanh ro+`n

      Hai ngu+o+`i so^'ng giu+~a co^ ddo+n

      Na`ng nhu+ cu~ng co' no^~i buo^`n gio^'ng to^i

      Gia' ddu+`ng co' da^.u mo^`ng to+i

      The^' na`o to^i cu~ng sang cho+i tha(m na`ng ...

va` dde^? ro^`i tie^'c cho mo^.t mo^'i ti`nh nhe. nha`ng nhu+ng dda^`y thi vi. cu?a thi si~ . Nha` tho+ ye^u mo^.t ngu+o+`i con ga'i (co' the^? la` tu+o+?ng tu+o+.ng), nhu+ng chi? ye^u tha^`m, kho^ng da'm no'i ra, ma` chi? a^m tha^`m tu+. nhu? "to^i buo^`n tu+. ho?i hay to^i ye^u na`ng?" Dde^? ro^`i nga`y tha'ng qua ddi va` na`ng che^'t. Thi si~ dda~ than kho'c va` mo+'i nha^.n ra ddu+o+.c la` mi`nh dda~ ye^u:

      Dde^m qua na`ng dda~ che^'t ro^`i

      Nghe.n nga`o to^i kho'c ... Qua? to^i ye^u na`ng.

Nga`y xu+a, khi co`n ddi ho.c va` o+? tro. tre^n mo^.t ca(n ga'c o+? dda.i ho.c PT o+? Saigon, to^i co' di.p ddo.c Nga`y Xu+a Co`n Be' cu?a Duye^n Anh va` dda~ ca?m nhu+~ng ca^u tho+ tre^n dda^y cu?a NB. Tha^.m chi', to^i co`n muo^'n ti`m hi`nh a?nh cu?a mi`nh dda^u ddo' trong ba`i tho+ dde^? ho?i mi`nh co' thu+o+ng tha^`m ai kho^ng? Nhu+ng na`o co' ddu+o+.c, khi ma` sa'ch vo+? va` thi cu+? cu+' dde` na(.ng le^n cuo^.c ddo+`i sinh vie^n cu?a to^i lu'c ddo' ...

Hoa`i Thanh, khi phe^ bi`nh ve^` Nguye^~n Bi'nh, co' vie^'t: "Gia' Nguye^~n Bi'nh sinh ra tho+`i tru+o+'c to^i cha('c ngu+o+`i dda~ la`m nhu+~ng ca^u ca dao ma` da^n que^ va^~n ha't quanh na(m va` nhu+~ng ta'c pha^?m cu?a ngu+o+`i, ba^y gio+` dda~ co' vo^ so^' nhu+~ng nha` tho^ng tha'i nghie^n cu+'u". Tha^.t va^.y! Nhie^`u ba`i tho+ cu?a NB mang va^`n ddie^.u ca dao va` ra^'t de^~ nho+' . Nguye^~n Bi'nh kho^ng du`ng chu+~ tru+`u tu+o+.ng hay ca^`u ky` dde^? vie^'t ne^n nhu+~ng va^`n tho+ dde^? ddo+`i. O^ng cu~ng kho^ng kho^ng du`ng nhu+~ng trie^'t ly' cao sie^u dde^? no'i le^n nhu+~ng ddie^`u hie^?n nhie^n trong cuo^.c so^'ng . Nhu+~ng ca^u lu.c ba't cu?a ba`i tho+ Tu+o+ng Tu+ tha^.t la` de^~ hi`nh dung:

      Tho^n DDoa`i ngo^`i nho+' tho^n DDo^ng

      Mo^.t ngu+o+`i chi'n nho+' mu+o+`i mong mo^.t ngu+o+`i

      Gio' mu+a la` be^.nh cu?a tro+`i

      Tu+o+ng tu+ la` be^.nh cu?a to^i ye^u na`ng.

      Hai tho^n chung la.i mo^.t la`ng,

      Co+' sao be^n a^'y cha(?ng sang be^n na`y

To^i tha^'y ca'i su+. so sa'nh "gio' mu+a la` be^.nh cu?a tro+`i" vo+'i "tu+o+ng tu+ la` be^.nh cu?a to^i ye^u na`ng" ra^'t u+ la` sa'ng ta.o va` ca^n xu+'ng. Trong ca^u "gio' mu+a la` be^.nh cu?a tro+`i" co' a^m vang cu?a gio' ba?o, trong khi ca^u ke^' "tu+o+ng tu+ la` be^.nh cu?a to^i ye^u na`ng" thi` la.i ta? ca'i a^m vang cu?a mo^.t ta^'m lo`ng. Hai ca^u tho+ kho^ng chi? no'i ve^` ca'i vu~ tru. ma` co`n no'i ve^` ca'i ti`nh trong vu~ tru.\. Gio' mu+a cu?a tro+`i, cu?a vu~ tru., luo^n ga^y ra ca'i ca?m gia'c buo^`n buo^`n. Va` tu+o+ng tu+ la` mo^.t ti'nh cu?a con ngu+o+`i, nha^'t la` ddo^i trai ga'i ye^u nhau; la` mo^.t ca'i vo^'n tu+. nhie^n. Tu+o+ng tu+ la` be^.nh cu?a ti`nh nha^n, nhu+ mu+a gio' la` be^.nh cu?a tro+`i dda^'t.

Cu~ng co' y' cho la` "gio' mu+a" ddu+o+.c la^'y tu+` ddie^?n "phong vu~", te^n 1 ba`i tho+ trong Tri.nh phong, Kinh Thi, the^? hie^.n ti`nh ca?m cu?a ngu+o+`i con ga'i ddo+.i ngu+o+`i ti`nh. To^i tha^'y y' na`y kho^ng chi'nh xa'c ma^'y, vi` Nguye^~n Bi'nh kho^ng ho.c chu+~ mo^.t ca'ch he^. tho^'ng tu+` nha` tru+o+`ng ma` chi? tu+. ho.c tu+` mo^.t o^ng chu'. Nguye^~n Bi'nh cu~ng kho^ng du`ng ddie^?n ti'ch trong tho+ va(n cu?a o^ng ta .

Tha^.t va^.y! Nguye^~n Bi'nh la` ta'c gia? cu?a nhu+~ng lo+`i tho+ mo^.c ma.c va` te^' nhi.\. Ne^'u ai co' ho?i ta.i sao to^i thi'ch tho+ Nguye^~n Bi'nh, to^i se~ kho^ng nga^`n nga.i tra? lo+`i the^m la` to^i thi'ch ca'i ti'nh A' ddo^ng trong tho+ cu?a o^ng. Nguye^~n Bi'nh kho^ng ca ngo+.i nhu+~ng ve? dde.p xa vo+`i hay nhu+~ng bo'ng gia'ng my~ le^., nhu+ng chi? ghi la.i va` no'i nhu+~ng chuye^.n ha`ng nga`y, ra^'t ga^`n gu?i vo+'i dda.i chu'ng, ra^'t de^~ nho+'. Mo^.t trong nhu+~ng hi`nh a?nh ddo' la` Nhu+~ng Bo'ng Ngu+o+`i Tre^n Sa^n Ga. Trong ba`i na`y, ta se~ tha^'y nhu+~ng cuo^.c chia lia` cu+' tie^'p tu.c, ga^`n nhu+ kho^ng ngu+`ng:

Nhu+~ng cuo^.c chia li`a kho+?i tu+` dda^y Ca^y dda`n sum ho+.p ddu+'t tu+`ng da^y Nhu+~ng lo+`i be`o bo.t, tha^n ddo+n chie^'c La^`n lu+o+.t theo nhau suo^'t tha'ng nga`y Co' la^`n to^i tha^'y hai co^ be' Sa't ma' va`o nhau kho'c su.t su`i Hai bo'ng chung lu+ng tha`nh mo^.t bo'ng -- DDu+o+`ng ve^` nha` chi. cha('c xa xo^i

va` co`n gi` ca?m ddo^.ng ho+n ho+n khi tha^'y hai ngu+o+`i ye^u ddang bi.n ri.n chia tay:

      Co' la^`n to^i tha^'y mo^.t ngu+o+`i ye^u

      Tie^~n mo^.t ngu+o+`i ye^u mo^.t buo^?i chie^`u

      O+? mo^.t ga na`o xa va('ng la('m

      Ho. ca^`m tay ho., bo'ng xie^u xie^u

va` nhu+~ng ca?nh ma` to^i nghi~ la` ta tha^'y ha`ng nga`y tre^n ca'c sa^n ga:

      Hai cha`ng to^i tha^'y tie^~n ddu+a nhau

      Ke? o+? sa^n ga, ke? cuo^'i ta`u

      Ho. giu.c nhau ve^` ba bo^'n ba^.n

      Bo'ng nho`a trong bo'ng to^'i tu+` la^u

      Co' la^`n to^i tha^'y vo+. cho^`ng ai,

      The`n the.n chia tay bo'ng cha.y da`i.

      Chi. mo+? kha(n tra^`u anh tha('t la.i,

      -- Mi`nh ve^` nuo^i la^'y me., mi`nh o+i!

      Co' la^`n to^i tha^'y mo^.t ba` gia`

      DDu+a tie^~n con ddi ta^.n cho^'n xa

      Ta`u cha.y la^u ro^`i, ba` va^~n ddu+'ng

      Lu+ng co`ng ddo^? bo'ng xuo^'ng sa^n ga

ro^`i nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i co^ ddo+n, kho^ng co' ba.n be`, ngu+o+`i tha^n:

      Co' la^`n to^i tha^'y mo^.t ngu+o+`i ddi

      Cha(?ng bie^'t ve^` dda^u nghi~ ngo+.i gi`

      Cha^n bu+o+'c hu+~ng ho+` theo bo'ng le?

      Mo^.t mi`nh la`m ca? cuo^.c pha^n ly

      Nhu+~ng chie^'c kha(n ma`u tho^?n thu+'c bay

      Nhu+~ng ba`n tay va^~y nhu+~ng ba`n tay

      Nhu+~ng do^i ma('t u+o+'t nhi`n ddo^i ma('t,

      Buo^`n o+? dda^u ho+n o+? cho^'n na`y ?

      To^i dda~ tu+`ng cho+` nhu+~ng chuye^'n xe

      DDa~ tu+`ng ddu+a ddo'n ke? ddi ve^`

      Sao nha` ga a^'y sa^n ga a^'y

      Chi? dde^? cho lo`ng da^'u bie^.t ly ?

Qua? la` buo^`n! Nga`y vui lu'c na`o cu~ng qua mau va` chi? dde^? la.i cho ngu+o+`i nhie^`u nga`y buo^`n sau ddo'. Co' le~ trong ddo+`i ngu+o+`i, tho+`i gian buo^`n nhie^`u ho+n tho+`i gian vui .

Pha^`n lo+'n ca'c nha` phe^ bi`nh dde^`u nha^.n xe't la` ti`nh ye^u cu?a Nguye^~n Bi'nh kho^ng la~ng ma.n, no^`ng cha'y nhu+ Xua^n Die^.u, kho^ng chu+'a chan nhu+ Huy Ca^.n, nhu+ng nhe. nha`ng va` mo^.ng tu+o+?ng. Rie^ng to^i thi` tha^'y Nguye^~n Bi'nh cu~ng ye^u say dda('m la('m chu+'. Thi si~ ye^u dde^'n no^~i pha?i ghen. Ngu+o+`i kho^ng muo^'n ngu+o+`i ye^u mi`nh ho^n hoa, xu+'c nu+o+'c hoa, ddi ta('m bie^?n va` tha^.m chi' kho^ng muo^'n tha^'y ngu+o+`i ye^u "o^m go^'i chie^'c dde^m ngu? ." Ghen nhu+ va^.y thi` qua? la` he^'t y'!

      Co^ nha^n ti`nh be' cu?a to^i o+i

      To^i muo^'n co^ chi? mi?m cu+o+`i

      Nhu+~ng lu'c co' to^i va` ma('t chi?

      Nhi`n to^i nhu+~ng lu'c to^i xa xo^i

      To^i muo^'n co^ ddu+`ng nghi~ dde^'n ai

      DDu+`ng ho^n, du` tha^'y ddo'a hoa tu+o+i

      DDu+`ng o^m go^'i chie^'c dde^m nay ngu?

      DDu+`ng ta('m chie^`u nay, be^? la('m ngu+o+`i

      To^i muo^'n mu`i tho+m cu?a nu+o+'c hoa

      Ma` co^ thu+o+`ng su+'c cha(?ng bay xa

      Cha(?ng la`m nga^y nga^'t ngu+o+`i qua la.i

      Da^~u chi? qua ddu+o+`ng kha'ch la.i qua

      To^i muo^'n nhu+~ng dde^m ddo^ng gia' la.nh

      Chie^m bao ddu+`ng la^?n khua^'t be^n co^

      Ba(`ng kho^ng to^i muo^'n co^ ddu+`ng ga(.p

      Mo^.t tre? trai na`o trong gia^'c mo+

      To^i muo^'n la`n ho+i co^ tho+? nhe.

      DDu+`ng la`m a^?m ao' kha'ch chu+a quen

      Cha^n co^ in ve^'t tre^n ddu+o+`ng bu.i

      Cha(?ng bu+o+'c cha^n na`o ddu+o+.c da^~m le^n

Co' ngu+o+`i cho ra(`ng ba`i tho+ Ghen tre^n dda^y la` ba`i tho+ khe'o nha^'t cu?a Nguye^~n Bi'nh; tu+` ca'ch gieo va^`n dde^'n lo+`i tho+ va` cha^'t tho+ .

To^i co^' ti`m mo^.t va`i phe^ bi`nh ve^` ca'i "do+?" cu?a tho+ Nguye^~n Bi'nh ma` cha(?ng tha^'y bao nhie^u . Pha^`n lo+'n tho+ cu?a Nguye^~n Bi'nh ddu+o+.c vie^'t theo the^? tho+ cu?a da^n gian. Cha? the^' ma` nhie^`u nha` phe^ bi`nh dde^`u ddo^`ng y' la` Nguye^~n Bi'nh la` nha` tho+ cu?a ddo^`ng que^ . Tuy nhie^n Hoa`i Thanh, khi phe^ bi`nh ve^` Nguye^~n Bi'nh trong Thi Nha^n Vie^.t Nam, cu~ng co' tra'ch: "Giu+~a nhu+~ng ba`i gio^'ng nhu+ ca dao, ngu+o+`i ta bo^~ng chen va`o mo^.t ddo^i lo+`i qua' mo+'i. Ta tha^'y kho' chi.u nhu+ khi va`o mo^.t ngo^i chu`a co' nhu+~ng ngo.n dde`n ddie^.n tre^n ba`n tho+` Pha^.t". Cha(?ng ha.n nhu+ nhu+~ng ca^u:

      DDa~ tha^'y xua^n ve^` vo+'i gio' ddo^ng

      Vo+'i tre^n ma`u ma' ga'i chu+a cho^`ng

      Be^n hie^n ha`ng xo'm, co^ ha`ng xo'm

      Ngu+o+'c ma('t nhi`n tro+`i, ddo^i ma('t trong ...

dda~ la`m Nguye^~n Bi'nh he^'t ca'i "que^ mu`a" ro^`i. Co`n la.i, to^i kho^ng tha^'y ai che^ tho+ cu?a o^ng ca? .

Co' ai ddo' dda~ no'i "Cuo^.c ddo+`i la` mo^.t ba`i tho+ lo+'n." To^i tha^'y ddie^`u na`y ra^'t ddu'ng vo+'i Nguye^~n Bi'nh. O^ng sinh ra o+? mie^`n Ba('c VN, nhu+ng sau na`y (tru+o+'c 1954), o^ng lu+u la.c va`o Nam. Trong khoa?ng 1952, o^ng tu+`ng la`m pho' chu? ti.ch ti?nh bo^. Kie^n Giang, phu. tra'ch ve^` va(n ho'a tuye^n truye^`n. Trong tho+`i gian o+? ngoa`i Ba('c, o^ng vie^'t tho+ ti`nh no^~i tie^'ng; trong tho+`i gian ddi kha'ng chie^'n trong Nam, o^ng vie^'t nhie^`u ba`i tho+ ve^` kha'ng chie^'n, ye^u nu+o+'c, nhu+ng kho^ng ma^'y tha`nh co^ng va` i't ai bie^'t dde^'n. Mo^.t trong nhu+~ng ba`i o^ng vie^'t trong lu'c co`n "na(`m gai ne^m ma^.t" trong ru+`ng U Minh la` Ngu+o+`i Cu?a Nga`y Mai. Trong ba`i, o^ng dda~ ta? ddu+o+.c mo^.t cuo^.c so^'ng gian lao cu?a nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i ye^u nu+o+'c, kha'ng chie^'n cho^'ng Pha'p lu'c ba^'y gio+` :

      O+? cho`i he.p nhu+ng ho^`n bao tru`m vu~ tru.

      Tra'i tim ddau nhu+ng thu+o+ng ca? loa`i ngu+o+`i

      Dda~ nhie^`u ho^m kho^ng tha^'y bo'ng ma(.t tro+`i

      Bo+?i la`m vie^.c lie^n mie^n va` bi' ma^.t ...

Nhu+~ng ngu+o+`i ye^u nu+o+'c na`y la` ai ? Ho. la` nhu+~ng ddu+'a con VN dde^'n tu+` ba mie^`n cu?a dda^'t nu+o+'c, mo^~i ngu+o+`i mang theo mo^.t sa('c tha'i rie^ng bie^.t:

      Que^ ca'c anh o+? mie^`n Trung dda' nu'i

      Ba~i ca't va`ng bo+` bie^?n uo^'n quanh co

      Dde^m trong xanh, cao vu't tie^'ng ai ho`

      Tre^n be^'n va('ng mo^.t do`ng so^ng no^?i ba.c

      Que^ ca'c anh o+? mie^`n Nam ba't nga't

      Tra'i du+`a xie^m nu+o+'c ngo.t buo^?i tru+a no^`ng

      Ddo^i ba co^ ga'i ba'n ha`ng bo^ng

      Che`o ye^?u ddie^.u mo^.t xuo^`ng dda^`y vu' su+~a

      Theo do`ng ke^nh ddi sa^u va`o bie^?n lu'a

      Que^ ca'c anh o+? mie^`n Ba('c xa xo^i

      Bu+o+'c cha^n ddi , kho^ng bie^'t ma^'y na(m ro^`i

      Xa cha me. anh em, xa ta^'t ca?

      Nu+o+ng da^u xanh, chie^'c ca^`u ao , ma'i ra. ...

Ho. la` ai ?

      - La` ngu+o+`i cu~a nga`y mai .

Sau 1954, Nguye^~n Bi'nh ta^.p ke^'t ve^` la.i Ba('c, o^ng bi. va`i ngu+o+`i trong chi'nh quye^`n Ha` No^.i lu'c ddo' cho la` pha?n ddo^.ng va` dda~ che^'t trong tu?i nhu.c lu'c chi? 47 tuo^?i, ca'i ddo^. tuo^?i dda^`y sa'ng ta.o.

To^i nho+' hoa`i mo^.t lo+`i no'i cu?a Nguye^~n Bi'nh dda^u ddo' la` "La`m va(n nghe^. kho' la('m" vi` "Co' nhie^`u y', nhie^`u chu+~ qua' tuye^.t ma` ngu+o+`i kha'c dda~ cu+o+'p ma^'t, tru+o+'c mi`nh. Mi`nh chi? nha'i la.i tho^i". Va`, to^i cu~ng chi? ddang nha'i la.i va`i chu+~ cu?a tie^`n nha^n dde^? ba`y to? lo`ng ngu+o+~ng mo^. ddo^'i vo+'i mo^.t nha` tho+ ma` to^i cho la` cu?a tha hu+o+ng va` ti`nh ye^u tra('c tro+? .

PS. Xin che'p la.i mo^.t ba`i tho+ cu?a NB ma` to^i cu~ng ra^'t thi'ch:

        HO^N NHAU LA^`N CUO^'I

        Ca^`m tay, anh khe? no'i:

        Kho'c lo'c ma` la`m chi ?

        Ho^n nhau mo^.t la^`n cuo^'i

        Em ve^` ddi, anh ddi .

        Ro^`i mo^.t, hai, ba na(m

        Danh tha`nh anh tro+? la.i

        Vo+'i em, anh cha(n ta(`m

        Vo+'i em, anh de^.t va?i

        Ta se~ la` vo+. cho^`ng

        Se~ ye^u nhau ma~i ma~i

        Se~ xe so+.i chi? ho^`ng

        Se~ ha't ca a^n a'i

        Anh va` em se~ so^'ng

        Trong mo^.t ma'i nha` tranh

        La^'y tru'c thu+a la`m co^?ng

        La^'y to+ lie^~u la`m ma`nh

        Nghe lo+`i anh em ho+?i

        Kho'c lo'c ma` la`m chi

        Ho^n nhau mo^.t la^`n cuo^'i

        Em ve^` ddi, anh ddi .

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