Vietnamese Association For Computing,
Engineering Technology,
and Science

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VACETS is making this United Nations sponsored document available on-line as part of its contribution to a general understanding of the technology base of Viet-Nam. The views and recommendations contained in this UN sponsored documents are the authors' and VACETS does not necessarily agree or endorse them.
We would like to encourage a discussion of the content of the document. Technical discussion can be held on [email protected]

Electronic and
Information Technology
in Vietnam

The need to coordinate
the development of electronics manufacturing,
the diffusion of information technology,
and the promotion of related activities

August 1994

A report to
the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment

Jan Annerstedt & Tim Sturgeon

UNIDO/UNDP project DP/VIE/89/002

Table of Contents

Executive Sumary

PART I - The Technology

PART II - The Players

PART III - The Capabilities

PART IV - The Industry

Appendix 1 (not included here)

Institutions visited and persons interviewed

Appendix 2 (not included here)

Internet communications networks for Vietnam

Appendix 3 (not included here)

Project proposal by a team of specialists on electronics and IT development in East Asia

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Last update: January 1997

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